Ghent is Amazing (notice the capital “A”). The city is located in the heart of Flanders which is the north part of Belgium and includes cities like Brussels, Bruges and Antwerp. Some of the most famous Flemish painters are Peter Paul Reubens, Jan Van Eyck and both Breughels. I really had no idea what to expect, but right from the bat things went well.

First, it was lovely having trains that went where they were supposed to, when they were supposed to. Secondly, I was again visiting some close friends, Rik and Rita Verbeke, and it was wonderful going somewhere I already knew people. (The Verbeke’s daughter and granddaughter live right next door to me back home so I’ve met them multiple times in the US.)

It was go, go, go from the minute I arrived (very necessary in order to fit everything in to my slightly shortened stay.) Rik met me at the train station in the late evening and we walked the ten minutes back to his and Rita’s apartment.
After dinner Rik dropped Anne, Astrid and me off in centre-ville

(Anne is their granddaughter and she studies at the University in Ghent. Astrid is Anne’s friend) so we could meet up with their university friends. The sun was just setting as we walked past an old church onto a bridge spanning the canal. Hordes of students were just hanging out on the river. I couldn’t believe how magical everything looked as night drew nearer.

More incredible was the liveliness of this ancient city—both sides of the river were full of people just enjoying the nice weather. When it got colder we found a bar nearby and upstairs there were these old history buffs who had taken up half the room with a reenactment of a battle in the American Civil War. (I should have asked them why the American Civil War of all things, but unfortunately, I don’t speak Flemish.) It was a long day of traveling, but I will never forget the beauty of the canals at night.
Catch ya later, alligator,

P.S. The Verbekes were just in the States and my parents gave them some Skippy and Jif peanut butter to give to me! I think I’m in heaven.
P.S.S. I'm a bit behind with posting so these next few dates won't actually match when I was in Belgium.
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