The episode with the rain and the little boy reminds me that a couple weeks ago (jeez I can’t believe it’s that long ago already) I was walking down the street and there was a mother with four little girls (I’m going to assume that they weren’t all hers since three of them looked about the same age.) Anyway three of the little girls, who were probably about five years old, would run on ahead of me, hide behind a niche in the wall or a doorway and then giggle and pop out when their mother came by. By then I would have passed them, but as soon as they popped out they’d come running past me again and do the same thing all over again. I can’t even recall how many times they did this before our paths diverged. But it made me smile. I love little kids and their infinite ability to take pleasure in the simplest things. And I love that they act the same in both the US and France.
The rain also brings to mind a certain event that I always associate with rain and clouds and sunshine. One of the most beautiful things in the entire world happens when there are clouds in the sky and you look toward the sun and suddenly the sky opens up and you can just see the rays of golden light pouring from the heavens. The French have a word for this: éclaircie. I think this is one of the most beautiful French words I know. French is already a very pretty language, but this word in particular strikes me as beautiful, which is fitting since its meaning is so beautiful. As a side note, this is also a feminine word and translates it as “sunny spell,” but it is really much more than that.
Since this entry has turned into a meteorological report, I might as well mention that you can really see the stars here. Not that you can’t in Irvine or North Andover, but the smog blocks a lot of the light and there’s a lot less smog here. And there aren’t quite as many street lights to interfere with celestial light. I have to say I prefer the night skies over here.
Good night! Or good morning! Wherever you are…
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